Welcome to the EOSC Future wiki!

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that this Wiki space is no longer actively maintained. The information in it applies to the discontinued EOSC Marketplace and Provider Portal, which have been replaced by the EOSC EU Node.
Information related to the EOSC EU Node is available via the official page <here>

Scope and introduction

The EOSC Future learning paths provide users with a customised set of training courses and modules on the EOSC core services and resources to equip learners with the knowledge and level of expertise to act confidently as EOSC users.

The Learning Paths were defined for specific EOSC skills profiles based on the framework of EOSC actors presented in the Digital skills for FAIR and Open Science report from the EOSC Executive Board Skills and Training Working Group1. This report outlines a framework of ten EOSC actors (roles and related skills) in the EOSC ecosystem for whom skills and training is relevant.

The roles and related skills presented within this framework were mapped with the EOSC Future actors and training stakeholders structured following four categories:

  • consumers, 
  • providers, 
  • intermediaries, and
  • trainers. 

Those four categories incorporate all the actors defined in the framework and serve as the basis of the target audiences of the training programmes from EOSC Future and subsequently of the learning paths. The following table identifies all the EOSC actors that should be considered in each EOSC Future actor and training stakeholder.





  • Researcher
  • EOSC Enabler
  • Data scientist/data analyst
  • Research software engineer
  • Data steward/data librarian
  • Data Curator
  • Citizen
  • Research 
  • Data scientist/data analyst
  • Research software engineer
  • Data RI support professional
  • Data steward/data librarian
  • Policy Maker
  • EOSC Enabler
  • Data RI support professional
  • EOSC Educator/trainer
  • Data steward/data librarian
  • Data Curator
  • Policy Maker
  • EOSC Enabler
  • EOSC Educator/trainer
  • Data RI support professional
  • Data steward/data librarian

The definition of the learning paths present in this document was planned in the training roadmap within WP9 activities and intends to address the recommendation 8 from the 2nd review of the project that recommended the development of an “integrated sets of courses structured based on learning paths for specific EOSC skills profiles (...) and implement a complete end-to-end curriculum for EOSC / EOSC Future training in-line with state of the art approaches to the development of on-line training courses (e.g., self-paced learning, emphasis on video materials, assessment quizzes etc.).”

For the development of the learning paths and based on the objectives of the training and skills activities in EOSC Future project we defined the seven following profiles as a starting point for the establishment of the learning paths:

  1. Facilitator
  2. Provider
  3. Enabler
  4. Accelerator
  5. Practitioner
  6. Trainer
  7. Specialist

Finalising the exercise we have tried to map the actors with the profiles in order to align skills needed and the content of the courses being developed and part of the training roadmap.





  • Practitioner
  • Trainer
  • Enabler
  • Accelerator
  • Provider
  • Accelerator
  • Specialist
  • Trainer
  • Facilitator
  • Enabler
  • Trainer
  • Accelerator
  • Facilitator
  • Enabler
  • Accelerator
  • Specialist

Learning paths

The WP9 team has decided to establish six learning Paths for this first phase based on the training roadmap and priorities for the 1st period release of the training courses and modules.

In the following table we present the learning paths to be implemented in this first phase and a short definition for each complemented with the learning topics. The duration/effort for each path will be defined after the development of the courses/modules under preparation.

Learning path


EOSC Institutional Facilitator

An EOSC institutional facilitator is defined as an individual that actively encourages the use of EOSC resources amongst institutional staff. Facilitators can include librarians, data stewards, research support staff, institutional managers and policy makers. This pathway is designed for EOSC promoters within the institution and will equip them with the knowledge to:

  • Explain EOSC to staff and students,
  • Understand the EOSC and EOSC Portal,
  • Encourage institutions to integrate EOSC services and resources,
  • Encourage institutions to integrate their services and resources in EOSC,
  • Understand the relationships between EOSC, national research structures, funders, private organisations and industry.

EOSC Resource Provider 

An EOSC resource provider is defined as a service or content provider that will contribute to develop EOSC into a rich environment of resources for research. This pathway is designed for EOSC providers to guide them through the onboarding process with the knowledge to:

  • Handle the services and resources onboarding process and the RoP,
  • Understand the EOSC Interoperability Framework,
  • Achieve an increased visibility of their services on a cross-domain interoperable platform,
  • Understand how to make their services and data FAIR, i.e. known, discoverable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable,
  • Create efficient documentation and usage instructions for services, to support end users.

EOSC User Trainer

An EOSC user trainer is an educator who is either providing training on EOSC or wishes to incorporate aspects of EOSC into their training. This pathway is designed to equip trainers with the knowledge to:

  • Confidently provide an overview of EOSC,
  • Explain the EOSC Portal,
  • Find and use existing EOSC training resources for their own training needs,
  • Create and share new EOSC training materials and provide engaging synchronous/asynchronous training,
  • Introduce legal and ethical issues pertaining to EOSC.

EOSC Research Practitioner

An EOSC research practitioner is a researcher who makes use of EOSC services and resources in their research. This pathway is designed to equip researchers with the knowledge to:

  • Understand the structure of EOSC and how to make use of the services and resources,
  • Understand and use the EOSC Portal, 
  • Design and execute workflows,
  • Understand ethical and legal issues associated with EOSC use, including GDPR,

EOSC Citizen Science Practitioner

An EOSC citizen science practitioner is a member of the public who makes use of EOSC services and resources for activities outside of academia. This pathway is designed to equip EOSC citizen science practitioners with the knowledge to: 

  • Understand the structure of EOSC, 
  • Understand and use the EOSC Portal, 
  • Design and execute workflows,
  • Understand ethical and legal issues associated with EOSC use, including GDPR.

EOSC Accelerator

An EOSC accelerator is anyone who wishes to serve as champion of EOSC in their own institution or research community.  This pathway is designed to equip researchers, data curators or research support staff with the knowledge to:

  • Raise visibility of EOSC,
  • Initiate discussions and build capacity around EOSC,
  • Encourage institutions to integrate EOSC services and resources,
  • Direct interested individuals to services and resources,
  • Understand and use the EOSC Portal.

Learning paths per actor

Learning path





EOSC Institutional Facilitator



EOSC Resource Provider 


EOSC User Trainer





EOSC Research Practitioner


EOSC Citizen Science Practitioner


EOSC Accelerator




Learning paths to be developed

The following learning paths should be considered to be defined and implemented in the 2nd phase. The 1st phase of the learning paths implementation will be prepared and delivered during the 2nd semester of 2022 and the 2nd phase in the 1st quarter of 2023.

Learning path





EOSC research enabler



EOSC open research enabler




EOSC core specialist




1 European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Digital skills for FAIR and Open Science: report from the EOSC Executive Board Skills and Training Working Group, Manola, N.(editor), Lazzeri, E.(editor), Barker, M.(editor), Kuchma, I.(editor), Gaillard, V.(editor), Stoy, L.(editor), Publications Office, 2021, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/59065 

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