Welcome to the EOSC Future wiki!

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that this Wiki space is no longer actively maintained. The information in it applies to the discontinued EOSC Marketplace and Provider Portal, which have been replaced by the EOSC EU Node.
Information related to the EOSC EU Node is available via the official page <here>

EOSC Facilitators and Intermediaries - stakeholder groups that influence EOSC indirectly, either by funding relevant initiatives, setting policy that affects operation and uptake, coordinating global fora or setting standards; and organisations acting as technology or research enablers by providing appropriate training and support.

Table 1 - EOSC facilitators and intermediaries

Stakeholder group


Research funders

EU funders, Member States, national funding bodies, private funders, industry


regulatory bodies on data privacy, on competition, on research; research policy organisations


universities, research performing organisations, national laboratories, research institutes


university libraries, data repositories, virtual libraries such as BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library), publishers

Research administrators

RPO/RFO staff in charge of compliance (policy) and monitoring

Data/research initiatives

global coordination fora and organisations,  RDA, EOSC and Open Science national initiatives, EC-funded projects, e-science groups, operational agencies (ESA, JRCs, etc.), big data projects (e.g., EC Data Spaces, national, European and global observatories), global aggregators (e.g. GBIF, IOBIS), GAIA X, EuroHPC, GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems), National EOSC initiatives

EOSC Partnership

EOSC Association, EOSC Steering Board, European Commission

 Training outline

Title and broad topics


EOSC Training Programme - What institutions need to know? 

Engaging with EOSC. Making most of EOSC

The training offers an overview of EOSC and EOSC portal, what EOSC enables and how new institutional services could be onboarded - via a collection of practical use cases, examples illustrating EOSC tailored to different domains and success stories on using EOSC services. 

Training goal (s)

We want to ensure that institutions have the right knowledge and information to be able to support members of their institutions/communities to promote, use and contribute to EOSC. 


Anyone from institutions / organisations who would like to promote the benefits and use of EOSC to their members. 

  • universities
  • research performing organisations
  • national laboratories
  • research institutes
  • libraries
  • data initiatives
  • data stewards

Benefits/outcomes for learners

Learning path: EOSC Institutional Facilitator

An EOSC institutional facilitator is defined as an individual that actively encourages the use of EOSC resources amongst institutional staff. Facilitators can include librarians, data stewards, research support staff, institutional managers and policy makers. This pathway is designed for EOSC promoters within the institution and will equip them with the knowledge to:

  • Understand the EOSC and its benefits
  • Understand the EOSC Portal
  • Know how to use EOSC resources and services in general
  • Be able to use specific EOSC resources and services  
  • Know how to contribute data sources, research products and services
  • Explain EOSC to staff and students
  • Encourage institutions to integrate EOSC services and resources
  • Encourage institutions to integrate their services and resources in EOSC
  • Understand the relationships between EOSC, national research structures, funders, private organisations and industry.
  • Know how to best deliver training / awareness raising on EOSC (including learning paths)


Interest in EOSC and willingness to promote it. Knowledge of RDM and open science. 


EOSC Training Programme - What institutions need to know? Engaging with EOSC portal

  • EOSC in a nutshell
  • Answering research questions with EOSC
  • How can your institution benefit?
  • How can your institution get involved
  • How can libraries get involved
  • How can institutional IT services get involved
  • Interacting with EOSC: Flowcharts for institutions
  • EOSC in practice stories:
    • Integrating institutional repositories in Serbia in EOSC
    • What’s in the EOSC for DARIAH partner institutions?
    • EOSC-Pillar use case: Integration of data repositories into EOSC based on communities approaches
    • Policies, workflows, outreach and training: University of Maribor Library
    • WMO Barcelona Dust Regional Centre
  • How to use the EOSC portal: search the catalogue and order services
  • What EOSC enables and how new institutional services could be onboarded
  • EOSC Exchange
  • EOSC Observatory
  • EOSC Interoperability framework
  • Knowledge Hub

Materials to help in running training for researchers

  • Why is EOSC important for me
  • Getting started in the EOSC 
  • How to use EOSC e.g. in citizen science? Focus on concrete use cases. 
  • EOSC Portal: Not just a list of services, but also a complete solved example, workflow to ensure reproducibility and how to get help, whom to contact. 

Delivery method

A mix of hands-on training

  • videos to trigger interest - short pitches (between 1.5 - 3 minutes) explaining what’s in the training programme, or short how to tutorials 
  • longer written content (to read more) that provides specific instructions
  • quick start short videos - up to 3 minutes
  • bullets points instructions
  • tutorial videos with screenshots with time stamps 
  • short webinars 
  • workshops to dive deeper into the content 
  • self paced courses on specific EOSC topics with learning paths 
  • reusable components - small snippets that could be added to existing courses 
  • examples illustrating EOSC tailored to different domains - per domain 
  • success stories on using EOSC services 
  • webinar recordings covering dynamic content that changes quickly and/or provide information where up to date information is. 
  • slides with concrete examples, nice graphics (to be reused in training for different occasions - snapshot slides, longer slides - pick and choose)  
  • (standalone) attractive diagrams illustrating various scenarios
  • “basic set of materials” that can be used as a starting point to develop locally adapted training resources 
  • examples of well-prepared EOSC training/courses 
  • exercises  



Re-use of material

Strongly encouraged

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