Data Model

Basic Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.BAI.0IDA persistent identifier, a unique reference to the Resource in the context of the EOSC Portal.


(max 30)



(Assigned by the EOSC Portal) 

ERP.BAI.1NameBrief and descriptive name of Resource as assigned by the Provider.String
(max 80)
ERP.BAI.2Resource Organisation

The name (or abbreviation) of the organisation that manages or delivers the resource, or that coordinates resource delivery in a federated scenario.

Provider ID1


(Filled in by the EOSC Portal) 



Resource Providers

The name(s) (or abbreviation(s)) of Provider(s) that manage or deliver the Resource in federated scenarios.

Provider IDsMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.BAI.4WebpageWebpage with information about the Resource usually hosted and maintained by the Provider.URL1MandatoryYes

Marketing Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.MRI.1DescriptionA high-level description in fairly non-technical terms of a) what the Resource does, functionality it provides and Resources it enables to access, b) the benefit to a user/customer delivered by a Resource; benefits are usually related to alleviating pains (e.g., eliminate undesired outcomes, obstacles or risks) or producing gains (e.g. increased performance, social gains, positive emotions or cost saving), c) list of customers, communities, users, etc. using the Resource.String
(max 1000)
ERP.MRI.2TaglineShort catch-phrase for marketing and advertising purposes. It will be usually displayed close to the Resource name and should refer to the main value or purpose of the Resource.String
(max 100)
ERP.MRI.3LogoLink to the logo/visual identity of the Resource. The logo will be visible at the Portal.URL1MandatoryYes
ERP.MRI.4MultimediaLink to video, screenshots or slides showing details of the Resource.URLMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.MRI.5Use CasesLink to use cases supported by this Resource.URLMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.MRI.6User Value

ERP.MRI.7User Base

ERP.MRI.8Service Options

ERP.MRI.9Service endpoint

Classification Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.CLI.1Scientific DomainThe branch of science, scientific discipline that is related to the Resource.

List of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Scientific Domain

ERP.CLI.2Scientific SubdomainThe subbranch of science, scientific subdicipline that is related to the Resource.List of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Scientific Domain
ERP.CLI.3CategoryA named group of Resources that offer access to the same type of Resource or capabilities.List of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Category
ERP.CLI.4SubcategoryA named group of Resources that offer access to the same type of Resource or capabilities, within the defined Resource categoryList of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Category
ERP.CLI.5Target UsersType of users/customers that commissions a Provider to deliver a Resource.List of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Target Users
ERP.CLI.6Access TypeThe way a user can access the Resource (Remote, Physical, Virtual, etc.)List of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Access Type
ERP.CLI.7Access ModeEligibility/criteria for granting access to users (excellence-based, free-conditionally, free etc.)List of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Access Mode
ERP.CLI.8TagsKeywords associated to the Resource to simplify search by relevant keywords.String
(max 50)
ERP.CLI.9Target customer tags

Geographical and Language Availability Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.GLA.1Geographical AvailabilityLocations where the Resource is offered.List of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Geographical Availability
ERP.GLA.2Language Availability
Languages of the (user interface of the) Resource.List of controlled values: ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Language AvailabilityMultipleMandatoryYes

Resource Location Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.RLI.01Resource Geographic LocationList of geographic locations where data is stored and processed

List of controlled values:

ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Geographic Location


Contact Information

Main Contact/Resource Owner

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.COI.1First NameFirst Name of the Resource's main contact person/manager.String
(max 20)
ERP.COI.2Last NameLast Name of the Resource's main contact person/manager.String
(max 20)
ERP.COI.3EmailEmail of the Resource's main contact person/manager.Email1MandatoryNo
ERP.COI.4PhoneTelephone of the Resource's main contact person/manager.String
(max 20)
ERP.COI.5PositionPosition of the Resource's main contact person/manager.String
(max 20)
ERP.COI.6OrganisationThe organisation to which the contact is affiliated


(max 50)


Public Contact

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.COI.7First NameFirst Name of the Resource's contact person to be displayed at the portal.String
(max 20)
ERP.COI.8Last NameLast Name of the Resource's contact person to be displayed at the portal.String
(max 20)
ERP.COI.9EmailEmail of the Resource's contact person or a generic email of the Provider to be displayed at the portal.Email1MandatoryYes
ERP.COI.10PhoneTelephone of the Resource's contact person to be displayed at the portal.String
(max 20)
ERP.COI.11PositionPosition of the Resource's contact person to be displayed at the portal.String
(max 20)
ERP.COI.12OrganisationThe organisation to which the contact is affiliated


(max 50)

Other Contacts
CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.COI.13Helpdesk Email
The email to ask more information from the Provider about this Resource.Email1MandatoryYes
ERP.COI.14Security Contact EmailThe email to contact the Provider for critical secutiry issues about this Resource.Email1MandatoryNo
ERP.COI.15Service security name/group

Maturity Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.MTI.1Technology Readiness LevelThe Technology Readiness Level of the Resource uodated in the context of the EOSC.List of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource TRL
ERP.MTI.2Life Cycle Status
Phase of the Resource life-cycle.List of controlled values:1OptionalYes
ERP.MTI.3CertificationsList of certifications obtained for the Resource (including the certification body).String
(max 100)
ERP.MTI.4StandardsList of standards supported by the Resource.String
(max 100)
ERP.MTI.5Open Source TechnologiesList of open source technologies supported by the Resource.String
(max 100)
ERP.MTI.6VersionVersion of the Resource that is in force.String
(max 10)
ERP.MTI.7Last UpdateDate of the latest update of the Resource.Date
ERP.MTI.8Change LogSummary of the Resource features updated from the previous version.String
(max 1000)
ERP.MTI.9Service Valid forThe date up to which the Description is valid.




Dependencies Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.DEI.1Required ResourcesList of other Resources required to use this Resource.Resource IDsMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.DEI.2Related ResourcesList of other Resources that are commonly used with this Resource.Resource IDsMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.DEI.3Related PlatformsList of suites or thematic platforms in which the Resource is engaged or Providers (Provider groups) contributing to this Resource.String
(max 50)

Attribution Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.ATI.1Funding BodyName of the funding body that supported the development and/or operation of the Resource.List of controlled values:
ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Funding Body
ERP.ATI.2Funding ProgramName of the funding program that supported the development and/or operation of the Resource.

List of controlled values:

ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Funding Program

ERP.ATI.3Grant/Project NameName of the project that supported the development and/or operation of the Resource.String
(max 100)

Management Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.MGI.1Helpdesk Page
The URL to a webpage to ask more information from the Provider about this Resource.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.2User ManualLink to the Resource user manual and documentation.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.3Terms Of UseWebpage describing the rules, Resource conditions and usage policy which one must agree to abide by in order to use the Resource.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.4Privacy PolicyLink to the privacy policy applicable to the Resource.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.5Access Policy
Information about the access policies that apply.URL1OptionalYes

Service Level

Webpage with the information about the levels of performance that a Provider is expected to deliver.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.7Training InformationWebpage to training information on the Resource.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.8Status MonitoringWebpage with monitoring information about this ResourceURL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.9MaintenanceWebpage with information about planned maintenance windows for this ResourceURL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.10Service Feedback

ERP.MGI.11Admin Manual

Access and Order Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.AOI.1Order TypeInformation on the order type (requires an ordering procedure, or no ordering and if fully open or requires authentication)

List of controlled values: ERV: EOSC Resource Profile#Resource Order Type

ERP.AOI.2OrderWebpage through which an order for the Resource can be placedURL1OptionalYes
ERP.AOI.3Open/Wide Access Service

ERP.AOI.4Service ordering

Financial Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.FNI.1Payment ModelWebpage with the supported payment models and restrictions that apply to each of themURL1OptionalYes
ERP.FNI.2PricingWebpage with the information on the price scheme for this Resource in case the customer is charged for.URL1OptionalYes

Onboarding Guide

Basic Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation

A provider does not need to provide this ID during registration or update. This is a unique ID which EOSC Portal assigns to a resource registered in the Registry and it is used to identify a resource in the EOSC portal. In next releases, Providers can use a PID; i.e., PID Providers will offer PID services to Resource Providers to reach a point that the EOSC portal will use global PIDs.

Should examine whether the Resource has been already onboarded by any other Providers and and escalate to the EPOT for resolution.
ERP.BAI.1NameB2DROPShould be descriptive from a customer point of view and should be quite simple, such that someone non-technical is able to understand what the Resource is about. This attribute will be used in the search function to prioritise results.
In general it should be taken as-is because it is specific to the Resource and the Resource name selected by the Provider. Only ask for clarifications if the name does not correspond with the name of the Reource name provided on the Resource URL or in case of obvious typo's.
ERP.BAI.2Resource Organisation


Resource ProvidersCERN, GRNET

ERP.BAI.4Webpage or
Create a unique URL for each Resource and provide the shortest possible aliasValidate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify if the URL refers to the web page of the Resource, this is commonly the web page of the Resource in the Catalogue of the Provider. Verify if the name on the web page corresponds to the name provided as Resource Name.

Marketing Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.MRI.1DescriptionB2SHARE is a user-friendly, reliable and trustworthy service that allows to store and share worldwide small-scale research data, results and metadata from diverse contexts and guarantees their long-term persistence. For the communities who need to guard against data loss, B2SAFE is a customer facing service that allow data replication and safe storage between geographically distributed centres in the EUDAT CDI. 900+ data Providers in Europe with different compatibility levels. Adoption in Latin America and Japan.Describe the Resource in a way that helps potential customers understand it and the benefit it brings. What is the main functionality of the service? The layout and content are up to the Provider. This field is used in the search function to prioritise results. Benefits are usually related to alleviating pains (e.g., eliminate undesired outcomes, obstacles or risks) or producing gains (e.g. increased performance, social gains, positive emotions or cost saving). Description should be as quantified as possible. Please consider GDPR.
In general take as-is because it is specific to the Resource provided by the Provider. Review the text, not to qualify the quality, but more on readability and for obvious typo's, if necessary, ask for clarifications. Also point out if it does not appear to address the potential customers and explain the main functionality of the Resource. If description is excessively long suggest being more concise.
ERP.MRI.2TaglineStore, share and access your files and their metadata on a global scaleMarketing specialists are encouraged to be engaged in order to come up with a catch phrase that can aid Resource dissemination and visibility.
In general it should be taken as-is because it is specific to the Resource provided by the Provider. Only ask for clarifications if the tagline does not correspond to the provided Resource Description and in case of obvious typos.
ERP.MRI.3Logo URL of the Resource, which must be in https, in the form of the shortest possible aliasValidate nominal URL, reject IP or other formats
For the Resource located at the URL validate as follows:
-Formats: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, pjpeg, tiff, vnd.adobe,
-Minimum dimensions 180x120px
Verify if the URL points to a logo picture or source including a logo that relate to the Resource in question. If needed, contact requester for clarification.
ERP.MRI.4Multimedia URL of the Resource, in the form of the shortest possible aliasValidate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify if the URL points to multimedia that relates to the Resource in question. If needed, contact requester for clarification.
ERP.MRI.5Use Cases URL of the webpage describing a use case
Verify that the URL refers to the web page of the Resource and the screenshots and/or videos presented therein correspond to the Resource described.
ERP.MRI.6User Value

ERP.MRI.7User Base

ERP.MRI.8Service Options

ERP.MRI.9Service endpoint

Classification Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.CLI.1Scientific DomainNatural SciencesA second scientific domain should be used only if strictly needed
Verify that the provided value corresponds with names provided in the Resource's webpage.
ERP.CLI.2Scientific SubdomainBiological sciences

Verify that the provided value corresponds with names provided in the Resource's webpage.
ERP.CLI.3CategoryAggregators & IntegratorsA second category should be used only if strictly needed
Verify that the category chosen is logical to Resource description.
ERP.CLI.4SubcategorySoftware & Data

Verify that the subcategory chosen is logical to Resource description.
ERP.CLI.5Target UsersResearchers, Research group, Research community, Research project, Research manager, Research organization, Innovators, BusinessTarget users should be defined as accurately and as inclusive as possible at the same time.

ERP.CLI.6Access TypeVirtual

ERP.CLI.7Access ModeExcellence-based, peer reviewed

ERP.CLI.8TagsOpen Science, data, dataset, data archive, library, repositoryFor multi-word keywords, please use '-' to concatenate words. This field will be used in the search function to prioritise results.Validate keywords, by inserting '-' to concatenate words not separated by commas and identify as separate keywords words that are separated by commasIn general take as-is because it is specific to the Resource and selected by the Provider. Only ask for clarifications in case of unfamiliar words and/or obvious typo's.
ERP.CLI.9Target customer tags

Geographical and Language Availability Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.GLA.1Geographical AvailabilityWorld
Validation using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard for the 2-letter codes for representing the languages.
ERP.GLA.2Language Availability
Validation using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard for the 2-letter codes for representing the languages.

Resource Location Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.RLI.01Resource Geographic Location

Contact Information

Main Contact/Resource Owner

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.COI.1First NameJohn

ERP.COI.2Last NameSmith

Check for obvious typos in the name. Confirm with a google search of the name and Provider
Validate e-mail address
Validate for number (use separate input field for country prefixes)

ERP.COI.6OrganisationOpen Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe

Public Contact

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.COI.7First NameJack

ERP.COI.8Last NameWhite

Check for obvious typos in the name. Confirm with a google search of the name and Provider
Validate e-mail address
Validate for number (use separate input field for country prefixes)

ERP.COI.12OrganisationOpen Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe

Other Contacts
CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.COI.13Helpdesk Email

Email to contact your helpdesk, where users with incidents and requests will be directed.
Validate e-mail address

Verify the validity of the email address as a helpdesk email for the specific Resource (via internet search)

ERP.COI.14Security Contact Email

Email contact of the person or group responsible for the security aspects of the Resource.Validate e-mail address

Verify the validity of the email address as a security email for the specific Resource (via internet search)

ERP.COI.15Service security name/group

Maturity Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.MTI.1Technology Readiness LevelTRL8;keywords=/2890A Resource needs to have TRL>=7 to be visible in the portalVerify the provided TRL according to the Classification Appendix definitions
ERP.MTI.2Life Cycle Status

ERP.MTI.3Certifications-List of certifications obtained for the Resource (including the certification body and any certificate number if available).

The certifications provided can be generic or community specific. We do not qualify the quality of a certification, the only qualification is that the certification is described on a public webpage. Verify via internet searches if the provided names give a valid result describing the certification. If not, request clarification and an URL reference describing the certification. Check whether the certification body is real and appears to offer certification.
ERP.MTI.4StandardsISO 15430, ISO 27000
Webdav (,,
List of formal and externally recognised standards that this Resource conforms to.

The standards provided can be generic or community specific. We do not qualify a standard, the only qualification is that the standard is described on a public webpage. Verify via internet searches if the provided names give a valid result describing the standard. If not, request clarification and an URL reference describing the standard.
ERP.MTI.5Open Source Technologies
List any open source technologies incoportated into the Resource. Please note this is for specific technologies not broad ones like HTTP or a Linux distribution.
Check that the technologies mentioned/projects exist
ERP.MTI.6Version3.1Only stable releases should be referenced.

ERP.MTI.7Last Update2/28/2018The date should refer to when the updated version became available to users, not when it was developed or released internally in the Provider.Validate for date
ERP.MTI.8Change LogUpgrade of user interface. Correction of minor bugs.Clear, staccato sentences for each updated feature should be used.

ERP.MTI.9Service Valid for

Dependencies Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.DEI.1Required ResourcesList of Resource IDsList any other EOSC Resources that your Resource requires in order to operate.

ERP.DEI.2Related ResourcesList of Resource IDsList any other EOSC Resources that you are aware of that your service can cooperate with.

ERP.DEI.3Related PlatformsE.g.: WeNMR Suite for DISVISList any platform this Resource is part of, e.g. a thematic portal for a certain community.

Verify via an internet search the name of the platform and its relevance with the Resource

Attribution Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.ATI.1Funding BodyEuropean CommissionPublicity guidelines of each respective funding sources should be adhered to.

ERP.ATI.2Funding ProgramHorizon 2020

ERP.ATI.3Grant/Project NameOpenAIRE2020 (643410)

Management Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.MGI.1Helpdesk Page

Link to the helpdesk where users with incidents and requests will be directed. It should allow private communication with providers (not a public forum). Create a dedicated URL for your Resources and provide the shortest possible alias.Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formats

For this field it should be a URL to a helpdesk portal, verify the URL by accessing the URL via a web browser.

ERP.MGI.2User Manual to the user manual or other basic user instructional information about teh Resource. Create a dedicated URL for your Resources and provide the shortest possible alias.Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify if the URL refers to the web page, document or other information describing the Resource. If not ask clarification from the Provider. The quality of the content does not have to be verified, but the information provided must have a look and feel of a user manual.
ERP.MGI.3Terms Of Use describing the rules, resource conditions and usage policy which one must agree to abide by in order to use the Resource. Create a dedicated URL for your Resources and provide the shortest possible alias.Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify that the URL refers to the web page, document or other information providing the terms of use for the Resource. If not ask clarification from the Provider. The quality of the content does not to have be verified. The content has to be publically accessible before the user logs in.

If there is no Terms of Use / Acceptable Use Policy or the existing one appears of low quality, suggest the WISE Baseline AUP, see
ERP.MGI.4Privacy Policy
Link to the privacy policy applicable to the Resource. Privacy policies are required for all Resources, since they will likely fall under the GDPR limitations. Create a dedicated URL for your Resources and provide the shortest possible alias. Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify that the URL refers to the web page, document or other information describing the Resource privacy policy. If not ask clarification from the Provider. The quality of the content does not have to be verified.
ERP.MGI.5Access Policy
PRACE provides HPC Resources to researchers and scientists from academia and industry through Preparatory Access (code scaling and optimization) and/or through Project Access (large-scale, computationally intensive projects) a dedicated URL for your Resources and provide the shortest possible alias.
Check that the answer can be generally understood by users, and seems to relate to the servie as shown on its website.

Service Level to a Service Level Agreement (SLA) or Service Level Specification (SLS) applicable to the Resource. Support is available in forming an SLA or SLS is available at
Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify that the provided link poins to a Service Level Agreement (SLA) or Service Level Specification (SLS) applicable to the Resource.
ERP.MGI.7Training Information to page with training information on the Resource. Create a dedicated URL for your Resources and provide the shortest possible alias.Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify that the URL refers to the web page, document or other information related to training for the Resource. If not ask clarification from the Provider. The quality of the content does not have to be verified, but the information provided must have a look and feel and to be useful as training material.
ERP.MGI.8Status Monitoring Page with monitoring information about this Resource.Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify that the URL points to a webpage that provides monitoring information about the Resource. If not ask clarification from the Provider. We do not assess the quality and/or usefulness of the monitoring page.
ERP.MGI.9Maintenance Page with information about planned maintenance windows for this Resource.Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify that the URL points to a webpage that provides information on scheduled downtimes of the Resource. If not ask clarification from the Provider.
ERP.MGI.10Service Feedback

ERP.MGI.11Admin Manual

Access and Order Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.AOI.1Order Type

Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formats
ERP.AOI.3Open/Wide Access Service

ERP.AOI.4Service ordering

Financial Information

CodeAttribute NameExample ValueGuidelines for ProvidersMachine-based validationHuman-based validation
ERP.FNI.1Payment Model

Validate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify that the URL provided indeed provides information on the payment model of the Resource. If not, requrest clarifications from the Provider
ERP.FNI.2Pricing at as an exampleValidate nominal URL, reject IP or other formatsVerify that the URL provided indeed provides information on the pricing of the Resource. If not, requrest clarifications from the Provider

Transition Guide

Basic Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00

Change Attribute Name (old Service ID)

Type added

Definition updated

ID should be compliant to the Providers' IDs 

Type added

Definition updated


Change Attribute Name (old Service Name)


Change Attribute Name (old Service  Name)

Change Type (old Single Line)

CopyNo changeCopy
ERP.BAI.2Resource Organisation

Change Attribute Name (old Service Provider Name)

Change Type (old Free text)

CopyNewDefault value EPP.BAI.0

Change Attribute Name (old Provider Name)

Change Multiplicity (old Multiple)

Keep only 1st Provider ID

ERP.BAI.3 EOSCENR-94 Under Review

Resource ProvidersNew

Default value empty(null)

NewDefault value empty(null)
NewMove from ERP.BAI.2 all other Provider IDs except 1st
ERP.BAI.4WebpageChange Attribute Name (old Service URL)Copy

Change Attribute Name (old Service  URL)

CopyNo changeCopy

Marketing Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00

Moved from Basic Information Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Description)

Concatenate Description + User Value + User Base + Service Options

Moved from Basic Information Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service  Description)

Change Type (old Freetext)


Moved from Basic Information Block


Moved from Basic Information Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Tagline)

Change to Mandatory

Copy or

"-" if empty

Change Attribute Name (old Service  Tagline)

Change Type (old Single LIne)

CopyMoved from Basic Information BlockCopy

Moved from Basic Information Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Symbol)


Change Attribute Name (old Service  Logo)

CopyMoved from Basic Information BlockCopy

Moved from Basic Information Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Multimedia)


Change Attribute Name (old Service  Multimedia)

CopyMoved from Basic Information BlockCopy
ERP.MRI.5Use Cases


Default value empty(null)

Change Attribute Name (old Use cases/case studies)

Change Type (old Freetext)


Change of Type (old String)

Default value empty(null)
ERP.MRI.6User ValueRemoved for simplificationContent to be concatenated in Description

Removed for simplificationContent to be concatenated in Description
ERP.MRI.7User BaseRemoved for simplificationContent to be concatenated in Description

Removed for simplificationContent to be concatenated in Description
ERP.MRI.8Service OptionsRemoved for simplificationContent to be concatenated in Description

Removed for simplificationContent to be concatenated in Description
ERP.MRI.9Service endpoint

Removed for simplificationDelete

Classification Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.CLI.1Scientific DomainNewDefault value "Other"

Moved from Classification & Matutiry Block

Change Attribute Name (old Research fileds)

Change Type (old Multiselect list)

New List of controlled values. Delete and use Default value "Other"No changeCopy
ERP.CLI.2Scientific SubdomainNewDefault value "Other"NewDefault value "Other"No changeCopy

Change Attribute Name (old Service Category)

Change Multiplicity (old 1)


Moved from Classification & Matutiry Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service category)

Change Type (old Multiselect list)

New List of controlled values. Delete and use Default value "Other"No changeCopy

Change Attribute Name (old Service Subcategory)

Change Multiplicity (old 1)

CopyNewDefault value "Other"No changeCopy
ERP.CLI.5Target Users

Moved from Basic Information Block

Change Type (old String (max 1000))

Change to Mandatory

Delete Free Text and Put Default value "Other"

(or do manual selection based on free text)

Moved from Service Customers and Users Block

Change Attribute Name (old Target user categories)

Change Type (old Multiselect list)

Copy checking the New List of controlled values or Default value "Other"
No changeCopy
ERP.CLI.6Access TypeNewDefault value "Other"NewDefault value "Other"No changeCopy
ERP.CLI.7Access ModeNewDefault value "Other"

Moved from Access & Order Block

Change Attribute Name (old Access Policies in use)

Change Type (old Multiselect list)

Copy checking the New List of controlled values or Default value "Other"No changeCopy
ERP.CLI.8TagsChange Attribute Name (old Service Tags)Copy

Moved from Classification & Matutiry Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service tags)

Change Type (old Freetext)

CopyChange Type (old max 20)Copy
ERP.CLI.9Target customer tags

Removed for simplificationDelete

Geographical and Language Availability Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.GLA.1Geographical Availability

Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Place)


Moved from Basic Information Block

Change Type (old Single Line)


Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Location)

ERP.GLA.2Language Availability

Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Language)


Moved from Basic Information Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service  language)

Change Type (old Single Line)


Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Language)


Resource Location Information

CodeAttribute NameChanges v1.13 to v3.00Registry Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes MP v1.3 to v3.00Registry Transition MP v1.3 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00Registry Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.RLI.01Resource Geographic LocationNewDefault value "Other"NewDefault value "Other"NewDefault value "Other"

Contact Information

Main Contact/Resource Owner

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.COI.1First NameNewCopy from the Proviider Onboarding

Change Atttribute Name (old Service Owner name/group)

Change Type (old Single Line)

Change to Mandatory

Copy only First Name
Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-1 First Name)Copy
ERP.COI.2Last NameNewCopy from the Proviider Onboarding

Change Atttribute Name (old Service Owner name/group)

Change Type (old Single Line)

Change to Mandatory

Copy only Last Name
Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-1 Last Name)Copy
ERP.COI.3EmailNewCopy from the Proviider Onboarding

Change Atttribute Name (old Service Owner contact)

Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-1 Email)Copy
ERP.COI.4PhoneNewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-1 Telephone)Copy
ERP.COI.5PositionNewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-1 Position)Copy
ERP.COI.6OrganisationNewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)

Public Contact

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.COI.7First NameNewDefault value empty(null)

Change Atttribute Name (old Service support name/group)

Change Type (old Single Line)

Copy only First Name
Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-2 First Name)Copy
ERP.COI.8Last NameNewDefault value empty(null)

Change Atttribute Name (old Service support name/group)

Change Type (old Single Line)

Copy only Last Name
Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-2 Last Name)Copy
ERP.COI.9EmailNewInsert info@[Provider Domain] or if difficult "-"

Change Atttribute Name (old Service support contact)

Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-2 Email)Copy
ERP.COI.10PhoneNewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-2 Telephone)Copy
ERP.COI.11PositionNewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)Change Atttribute Name (old Contact-2 Position)Copy
ERP.COI.12OrganisationNewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)
Other Contacts
CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.COI.13Helpdesk Email
NewDefault value ERP.COI.9

Moved from Service Management Block

Change Atttribute Name (old Helpdesk email address)



Copy from ERP.COI.9
ERP.COI.14Security Contact EmailNewDefault value ERP.COI.9

Moved from Service Management Block

Change Atttribute Name (old Service security contact)



Copy from ERP.COI.9
ERP.COI.15Service security name/group


Maturity Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.MTI.1Technology Readiness Level

Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service TRL)


Moved from Classification & Matutiry Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service TRL)

CopyChange Necessity (old optional)Copy or "TRL7" if null
ERP.MTI.2Life Cycle Status

Moved from Classification Block

Change to Optional

CopyNewDefault value "Other"Change Atttribute Name (old Phase)Copy
ERP.MTI.3CertificationsNewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Standards & Technologies Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Certifications)

CopyNo changeCopy
ERP.MTI.4StandardsNewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Standards & Technologies Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Standards)

CopyNo changeCopy
ERP.MTI.5Open Source TechnologiesNewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Standards & Technologies Block

CopyNewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Version)

CopyNewDefault value empty(null)No changeCopy
ERP.MTI.7Last Update

Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Last Update)

CopyNewDefault value empty(null)No changeCopy
ERP.MTI.8Change Log

Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Change Log)

Change Multiplicity (old 1)

CopyNewDefault value empty(null)No changeCopy
ERP.MTI.9Service Valid for


Not very relevant in the Research context


Not very relevant in the Research context


Not very relevant in the Research context

Was removed

Dependencies Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.DEI.1Required Resources

Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Required Services)


Change Attribute Name (old Dependencies/Required services from the EOSC Portfolio)

Change Type (old Freetext)


Confirm ID

No changeCopy
ERP.DEI.2Related Resources

Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Related Services)


Change Attribute Name (old Related Services)

Change Type (old Freetext)


Confirm ID

No changeCopy
ERP.DEI.3Related PlatformsNewDefault value empty(null)

Change Attribute Name (old Ralated providers and platforms)

Change Type (old Freetext)

CopyChange Type (old max 20)Copy

Attribution Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.ATI.1Funding Body

Moved from Contractual Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Funding)

Change Type (old String (max 1000))

Delete Free Text and Put Default value "Other"

(or do manual selection based on free text)

NewDefault value "Other"

Moved from Classification Block

Change Attribute Name (old Funded by)

ERP.ATI.2Funding ProgramNewDefault value "Other"NewDefault value "Other"NewDefault value "Other"
ERP.ATI.3Grant/Project NameNewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)

Management Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.MGI.1Helpdesk Page

Moved from Support Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Helpdesk)


Moved from Service Management Block

Change Attribute Name (old Helpdesk URL)

Change to Optional


Moved from Support Block

Change Attribute Name (old Helpdesk)

ERP.MGI.2User Manual

Moved from Support Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service User Manual)


Moved from Service Management Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service User Manual)

Change to Optional


Moved from Support Block

ERP.MGI.3Terms Of Use

Moved from Contractual Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Terms of Use)


Moved from Service Management Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service terms of use / Acceptable use Policy / Terms and Conditions)

Change to Optional

CopyMoved from Contractual BlockCopy
ERP.MGI.4Privacy PolicyNewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Service Management Block

Change to Optional

CopyMoved from Contractual BlockDefault value empty(null)
ERP.MGI.5Access Policy
NewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Access & Order Information Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Access Policy description)

Change Type (old Freetext)

CopyMoved from Contractual BlockDefault value empty(null)

Service Level

Moved from Contractual Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Level Agreement)

Change to Optional


Moved from Service Management Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Level Agreement ro Service Level Specification)


Moved from Contractual Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Level Agreement)

ERP.MGI.7Training Information

Moved from Support Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Training Information)


Moved from Service Management Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service training or tutorial information)


Moved from Support Block

ERP.MGI.8Status MonitoringNewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Service Management Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Monitoring URL)


Moved from Support Block

ERP.MGI.9MaintenanceNewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Service Management Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Maintenance URL)


Moved from Support Block

ERP.MGI.10Service Feedback

ERP.MGI.11Admin ManualRemoved


Access and Order Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.AOI.1Order TypeNewDefault value "Other"NewDefault value "Other"

Moved from Contractual Block


Moved from Support Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Order)

CopyNewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Contractual Block

ERP.AOI.3Open/Wide Access Service


ERP.AOI.4Service ordering


Financial Information

CodeAttribute Name

Changes v1.13 to v3.00 (eInfraCentral)

Transition v1.13 to v3.00Changes  v1.30 to v3.00 (EOSC-hub)Transition v1.30 to v3.00Changes v2.00 to v3.00 (CatRIS)Transition v2.00 to v3.00
ERP.FNI.1Payment ModelNewDefault value empty(null)NewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Contractual Block


Moved from Support Block

Change Attribute Name (old Service Price)

CopyNewDefault value empty(null)

Moved from Contractual Block


  • No labels