Information on the Metadata Working Group can be found in their charter document:
Working Group Charter
A key aspect of EOSC is the catalog of metadata describing assets that may be used to achieve scientific or business objectives by users and their organisations. Provisioning of the EOSC catalog (s) requires asset suppliers to provide their metadata describing the assets in the EOSC-defined canonical format. This format needs to be:
(a) rich enough to be utilised by end users for discovery, contextualisation, integration and re-use – especially in constructing workflows (however simple or complex) to achieve their processing needs;
(b) rich enough to be a superset of all relevant entities/attributes (objects/properties) of the metadata of the suppliers.
The group would:
- Assess the existing EOSC catalog metadata format with respect to end-user processing requirements;
- Assess the existing EOSC catalog metadata format with respect to metadata formats used by asset suppliers;
- Assess the effort in conversion from asset supplier native metadata formats to that of EOSC (a cost-benefit evaluation);
- Recommend changes to the EOSC metadata format arising from the above actions to increase utilisation of EOSC and asset provision in EOSC;
The requirements include the need for metadata covering aspects of AAAI, licensing, curation, provenance, citation/acknowledgement in addition to the end-user processing requirements.
The group would then – with appropriate resourcing – execute the activities planned in the above to ensure provisioning of the EOSC profiles (catalogs) from the research clusters.
Focusses of the WG include:
- Inventory of metadata schema, metadata vocabularies and mappings.
- Map the landscape of community metadata catalogues and aggregators.
- Metadata strategy discussion.
Planned Activities
M1 - Month 2022
# | Activities | Output | Due Month (indicative) |
1 | Use Cases | Documented use cases from all clusters | 30 November 2023 |
2 | Metadata Architectures | Documented metadata architectures from all clusters | 30 November 2023 |
3 | Report for use by WP3 | Documented outputs summary for use by WP3 and presentation for TCB/ EOSC Future Reviews. | 31 March 2023 |
How to join?
Contact: Keith Jeffery -
- Keith Jeffrey (ENVRI-Fair)
- Keith Jeffery (ENVRI-Fair)
- Daan Broeder (SSHOC/CLARIN)
- Wolmar Nyberg Akerstrom (EOSC-Life)
- Mari Kleemola (SSHOC)
- Alasdair Gray (EOSC-Life)
- Carole Goble (EOSC-Life)
- Nick Juty (EOSC-Life)
- Enrique Garcia (ESCAPE)
- Brian Matthews (PaNOSC) - formally invited
Agenda containing meeting minutes and details can be found here:
Please formally join via contacting Keith Jeffrey (ENVRI-Fair) to attend and receive meeting invitations.
EOSC Future WP3 - T3.3
WG Documented Outputs Template
WP3 Task 3.3 Information
Link to Public Wiki webpage
Working Group Information
Start Date: x
Finish Date: x
Working Group Links
Link to charter document
Link to Public Wiki webpage
Link to minutes
Link to folder
WG Background (Pre-operational phase)
General description of the need Working Group - specifically for EOSC
Problems the Working Group was to address
Solutions the Working Group intended to output/provide recommendations on
WG Summary of Actions (During the operational phase)
Working Group - operational activity
Working Group - work undertaken during the operational phase
Working Group - challenges
WG Highlighted Outputs/Recommendations (Post-operational phase)
Working Group summary of outputs and recommendations
The WG has discussed the topic of metadata infrastructure as created in EOSCfuture and expectations for the future extensively with EOSCfuture management and Architecture team.
The result is: Keith, J., & Broeder, D. (2024). EOSCfuture Metadata Working Group Recommendations (1.0). Zenodo.