Welcome to the EOSC Future wiki!

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that this Wiki space is no longer actively maintained. The information in it applies to the discontinued EOSC Marketplace and Provider Portal, which have been replaced by the EOSC EU Node.
Information related to the EOSC EU Node is available via the official page <here>


The information on this page is intended for owners of catalogues wishing to connect to EOSC (referred to on this page as a community catalogue). It contains information about the onboarding of records from the community catalogues onto the EOSC  Catalogue & Marketplace and the agreement needed for this onboarding. Onboarding of catalogues involves adding records to the EOSC Resource Catalogue and synchronising records when a change is made within the community EOSC catalogue.

During the onboarding process for a community catalogue, the community Catalogue Owner (CO) is required to confirm that they are compliant with the agreement presented on this page, which lays out the minimum requirements necessary to maintain the quality of all records across EOSC catalogues.

EOSC Catalogue Onboarding Agreement

Through an email confirmation to the EOSC Portal Onboarding Team (EPOT), the Catalogue Owner (CO) will acknowledge agreement to the minimum requirements for records owned by the CO that will be specifically onboarded into the EOSC Resource Catalogue and that are specified in the EOSC-Exchange Inclusion Criteria, which are: 

  • To have a documented and methodical approach for the validation of information about resources that have been included in CO's own catalogue.
  • To ensure that records are kept up-to-date and that providers are prepared to correct errors if and when they are identified during the verification (auditing) procedures of EOSC Resource Catalogue records.
  • To onboard and synchronise records with the EOSC Resource Catalogue.
  • To cooperate with the operators of the EOSC Portal in ensuring that policies across catalogues are consistent by participating in the EOSC Onboarding Strategy Group (E-OSG). 
  • To follow the EOSC Security Operational Baseline, as implemented by EOSC Future.

EOSC Catalogue Onboarding Workflow

A high level overview of the workflow of onboarding a catalogue wishing to connect to EOSC:

  1. To be done by the CO: Registration of the service provider hosting the community EOSC catalogue as a Hosting Legal Entity. The CO provides details of the community catalogue, the records (resources and service providers of the resources) that will be onboarded in the EOSC Resource Catalogue and declares conformance with the Catalogue Onboarding Agreement.
  2. To be done by the EPOT: Verification of the community catalogue content (or subset of it which will be onboarded),  and reviewing the Catalogue Onboarding Agreement declaration of conformance.
  3. To be done by the CO: Test and validate the successful push and pull of community catalogue records in the EOSC Resource Catalogue using "Sandbox" Application programming Interface (API) methods (e.g., test and validate compatibility with EOSC Profiles and EOSC Resource Catalogue APIs).
  4. To be done by the CO: Use of the production APIs to push and pull the community catalogue records in the EOSC Resource Catalogue.
  5. To be done by the CO: Use of the CO dashboard in the Providers Portal for read only access to the providers and resources managed and updated by the community catalogue.

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1 Comment

  1. Athanasia Spiliot

    Also for the Agreement, a requirement could be to comply with/follow Interoperability Guidelines (mentioned in RoP, but could be worth referring to it explicitly)