Welcome to the EOSC Future wiki!

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that this Wiki space is no longer actively maintained. The information in it applies to the discontinued EOSC Marketplace and Provider Portal, which have been replaced by the EOSC EU Node.
Information related to the EOSC EU Node is available via the official page <here>

Note: This page includes the lists of project Deliverables along with their current status. It is noted that the deliverable documents (public ones) will be published on this page once officially approved by EC. 

A. Deliverables

WP NoDel Rel. NoTitleDescriptionLead BeneficiaryNatureDissemination LevelEst. Del. Date (Annex I)Actual Submission DateFileStatus



Project Handbook, Project Management and Quality Plan

Manual explaining processes and procedures within the project consortium including Quality procedures, structure and quality indicators, as well as risk mitigation strategy and updates.TGBReportConfidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)



D1.1: not provided due to confidentiality



Open Calls and Procurement ReportFinancial report including the management of the Open Calls and procurement, covering six-monthly periods.TGBReportConfidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)



D1.2a: not provided due to confidentiality





D1.2b: not provided due to confidentiality


, revised:  

D1.2c: not provided due to confidentiality




D1.2d: not provided due to confidentiality




D1.2e: not provided due to confidentiality



Project Implementation Report and Key Exploitable Results ReportInterim Report (to be included in the first periodic report) and Final Report (M30) on project implementation approved by the GA. The Final version will also include an analysis regarding energy consumption and environmental impact of technologies used in EOSC Future and a report on the use of open-source software and a plan to make tools, standards, specifications and all other relevant outputs generated available to the EOSC Governance and any other institution responsible for the continuity of the EOSC Portal. The Report will also summarise the project’s results produced by all WPs for the respective period.TGBReportConfidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)



D1.3a: not provided due to confidentiality




D1.3b: not provided due to confidentiality


D1.4Data Management PlanManagement plan for data and update and solutions for meeting FAIR principles.JNPReportPublic




D1.5Compendium of EOSC Opportunities and ChallengesIncludes the results of the assessment of the validity and exploitation potential of the IPs produced by the project.EGIReportPublic



D1.5: EOSC-Futuure-EGI-D1.5 Compendium of EOSC Opportunities and Challenges-2023-10-31.pdf


D1.6Methodology and Platform for the Management of the Calls and Call GuidelinesProcesses and procedures for the management of the workflow of the calls; Platform with complete workflow management of applications, evaluators and applicants and Guidelines for the applicants and the evaluators of the calls.TGBReportPublic



revised version  


D1.7Open Research Data Pilot (ORDP)Open Research Data Pilot (ORD pilot)TGBORDP: Open Research Data PilotPublic


D1.7:EOSC-Future-WP1-TGB-D1.7 Open ResearchData Pilot-2023-11-29.pdf


D1.8a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/iTechnical Review Meetings with ECQuarterly technical meetings by EOSC Future and EC to be held from M3 onwards.TGBReportConfidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)






D1.8a/b/c/d: not provided due to confidentiality 






D2.1Mapping of EOSC Executive Board OutputsMapping of all relevant EOSC EB WG outputs to steer the strategic and technical orientation of EOSC Future.TGBReportPublic





Mapping of EOSC Readiness of EU MS/AC

Mapping of EOSC readiness of national research infrastructures to align with national policies. First draft interim delivery in M4 (to be included in the interim periodic report) and final delivery in M23.CESSDAReportPublic







D2.3Mapping of Observatories and Classification AnalysisMapping of policy observatories and a classification analysis to develop the EOSC Observatory.TGBReportPublic





Project Strategy PlanDevelopment of a project strategy plan to strategically steer and align EOSC Future. An update of the deliverable will be prepared in M19 and included in the periodic reporting.TGBReportPublic








Inventory of Core Functions and Inclusion CriteriaListing of capabilities for EOSC-Core and resource inclusion criteria for EOSC-Exchange. An update of the deliverable will be prepared in M25 and included in the final periodic reporting.EGIReportPublic







D2.6EuroHPC Engagement PlanDevelopment of an engagement plan to collaborate with EuroHPC and related hosting sites.EUDATReportPublic





Recommendations for the SRIADevelopment of recommendations from EOSC Future for the EOSC Association to develop the SRIA. A first interim draft of the deliverable will be prepared in M15 and included in the periodic reporting and final delivery will be in M28.GEANTReportPublic






D2.8a/bEOSC ObservatoryA first release is planned in M15 and final public release of the online EOSC Observatory and interactive dashboard for the EOSC community in M21.OPENAIREOtherPublic







D2.9Co-designed architecture descriptionWill specify user requirements.TGBReportPublic





D3.1Science Cases for Development of EOSC Architecture and FrameworksDocument describing the requirements for the EOSC Architecture gathered from the scientific communities.ELIXIR/EMBLReportPublic





EOSC Architecture and Interoperability Framework

Description of the architecture and framework that allows researchers from one community to utilise resources from other communities, including a gap analysis of the existing EOSC Architecture. An update of the deliverable will be delivered in M26 as part of the final periodic reporting.








D3.3a/bArchitecture and Interoperability Guidelines for Operational Services of the EOSC-CoreArchitecture and interoperability guidelines for services to be included in the EOSC-Core portfolio, including metadata schemas and update in M27 to be included in the final periodic reporting.EGIReportPublic







D3.3b: EOSC Future-WP3-EGI-D3.3b Architecture and Interoperability Guidelines for Operational Services of the EOSC-Core-2023-12-04.pdf


D3.4Task Force Outputs and Mediated RequirementsReport on the outcomes of the task force process and impact on the EOSC Architecture.ELIXIR/EMBLReportPublic



D3.4: EOSC-Future-WP3-ELIXIR-EMBL-D3.4-Working Group Outputs and Mediated Requirements-2023-06-30.pdf




Back-Office design, functional and technical specificationsSpecification of the functionalities, interactions (data flows and APIs), and resulting architecture of the EOSC Core back-office components, including interfaces to the Front-Office components to integrate with the EOSC Portal. An update of the deliverable will be provided in M24 and included in the final periodic reporting.EGIReportPublic








Back-Office Requirement AnalysisDetailed report about the rounds of technical requirement analysis taking into account all the input coming from providers in the “provider requirements” section of the technical roadmap tool. An update of the deliverable will be provided in M20 and included in the periodic reporting.EGIReportPublic








Back-Office SoftwareThe Back-Office software developed and delivered in EOSC Future according to the roadmap. The deliverable is the output of the software delivered by T4.2, T4.3 and T4.4. There will be three iterations of the software in M6,18, and M30.OPENAIREOtherPublic



D4.3a: EOSC Future-WP4-OpenAIRE-D4.3a Back Office Software-2021-09-30.pdf




D4.3b:EOSC Future-WP4-OpenAIRE-D4.3b Back Office Software-2022-10-26.pdf




D4.3c:EOSC Future-WP4-OpenAIRE-D4.3c Back Office Software-2023-10-03.pdf



D5.1a/bFront-Office Design, Functional and Technical SpecificationsSpecification of the functionalities, interfaces and resulting architecture of the EOSC Core Front-Office components, including interfaces to the Back-Office components. An update of the deliverable will be provided in M24 and included in the final periodic reporting.ICOSReportPublic








Front-Office Requirement AnalysisReport about the rounds of technical requirement analysis taking into account all the input coming from potential users in the “Portal demand requirements” section of the technical roadmap tool. An update of the deliverable will be prepared in M18 and will be provided in M18 and included in the periodic reporting.ICOSReportPublic








Front-Office SoftwareThe Front-Office software developed and delivered in EOSC Future according to the roadmap. The deliverable is the output of T5.2, T5.3 and T5.4 including final Front-Office Functionalities for Catalogue, Support and Training and AI Enhancement. There will be three iterations of the software in M6,18, and M30.CYFRONETOtherPublic



D5.3a: EOSC Future-WP5-Cyfronet-D5.3a Front-Office Software-2021-09-30.pdf




D5.3b:EOSC Future-WP5-Cyfronet-D5.3b Front-Office Software-2022-09-30.pdf




D5.3c: EOSC Future-WP5-Cyfronet-D5.3c Front-Office Software-2023-09-26.pdf




Registry of Connection, Integration, Validation and Auditing ProcessesThis deliverable will be an online continuous registry of all the components of the process and final documentation of the resources connected to EOSC and on the expansion of EOSC registries to other domains. An update will be delivered in M30.EGIDemonstratorPublic






D6.1b:EOSC Future-WP6-EGI-D6.1b Registry of Connection, Integration, Validation and Auditing Processes-2023-10-05.pdf


D6.2a/bWorkflows developed from the Moderation Process to Onboard External ProvidersThis deliverable will provide the workflows to be developed as a result of the process of the integration of new resources into the EOSC Portal and on the integration of EOSC-Core resources into the European scientific community. An update of the deliverable will be delivered in M30 as part of the final periodic reporting.DARIAHDemonstratorPublic






D6.2b:EOSC Future-WP6-DARIAH-D6.2b Workflows to Onboard External Providers-2023-11-06.pdf


D6.3Scientific Documents on the Results of the Scientific ProjectsThis deliverable will present: (i) the main findings of the SPs, (ii) the degree to which their adoption by EOSC has contributed to their achievement and, (iii) how SPs have contributed to the expansion of EOSC by including a brochure on the scientific results and a report on financial aspects.LIFEWATCHReportPublic



D6.3: subject to final approval



D7.1EOSC Service PlanningGAP analysis of the EOSC-Core services and the definition of operational processes required to run the EOSC Portal and EOSC-Core services.EGIReportPublic




D7.2a/bEOSC Service Delivery and ManagementAssessment of service plans and delivery and management activities and updates. An update of the deliverable will be provided in M21 and included in the periodic reporting.EGIReportPublic







D7.3EOSC Federated Authorisation and Authentication ActivitiesResults and impact relating to contributions to international standardisation and harmonisation activities, integration and operation of AAI Support Services, consultancy and support activities and updates.GEANTReportPublic





EOSC Usage overviewOverview of the usage and benefits of the EOSC Portal Front-Office and Back-Office components. An update of the deliverable will be provided in M30 and included in the final periodic reporting.EGIReportPublic






D7.4b:EOSC Future-WP7-EGI Foundation-D7.4b EOSC Usage Overview-2023-10-03.pdf


D7.5a/bEvaluation of EOSC Security Baseline and Operational Security Experience and Recommendations for Security EvolutionEvolution of security in EOSC based on lessons learnt, the input from current and new Working Groups, and vision of how to meet future challenges. An update will be prepared in M27 and included in the final periodic reporting.EGIReportPublic








D8.1Overview of Available Commercial ServicesThis deliverable will list all commercial services available in any procurement frameworks tendered by GÉANT.GEANTReportPublic




D8.2a/bOverview of Usage of Commercial ServicesInitial (M6) and Final report (included in the final periodic reporting in M30) on the usage of commercial cloud services.GEANTReportPublic





D8.2b: to be revised and resubmitted

D8.3Procurement Plan for Additional Services not Available through Existing FrameworksFollowing a survey on the experience of users consuming commercial cloud services and on future demand, a procurement plan will be set up including a description of procedures and workflows.GEANTReportConfidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)



D8.3: not provided due to confidentiality


D8.4EOSC Digital Innovation Hub Strategy and PlansCovers the strategy and overall plans for the expansion of the EOSC DIH, including the monitoring and evaluation system.EGIReportPublic




D8.5Digital Innovation Hub Final Results and Sustainability PlanFinal report of EOSC DIH and its activities, covering all engagement activities and key results, future plans beyond the life of EOSC Future, and details regarding any newly established pilots that were run in the second half of the project, as well as a final impact assessment.EGIReportPublic


D8.5:EOSC Future WP8-EGI-D8.5 EOSC DIH Final report-2023-10-23.pdf


D8.6Procurement Plan for Data SpacesGEANT and TGB will set up a procurement plan, with a budget of 1.5 M€, for use cases to achieve “data connectivity and data compatibility” between EOSC and common European Data Space.GEANTReportPublic


new date M15 (to be included in the Amendment)


D8.6:EOSC-Future-WP8-GEANT-D8.6-Procurement plan for Commercial data-2022-10-26.pdf

(the deliverable does not provide detailed information about the procurement of services in connection to research data spaces for reasons beyond the project's control and therefore it is accepted as is)


D8.7EOSC and the Data Spaces DemosGEANT and TGB will present the use cases on EOSC & Data Spaces demos explaining how they applied the re-use of public sector information, managed access to scientific information or provided guidance on sharing private sector data.GEANTOtherPublic


cancelled as per Amendment 4


D9.1EOSC Training Catalogue and Platform specificationSpecification of the catalogue and online learning platform with respective Rules of Participation that integrates resources across EOSC for training and facilitates the FAIR sharing and reuse of EOSC-related training resources.OPENAIREReportPublic




D9.2EOSC Knowledge Hub (Training Catalogue and Platform)EOSC training knowledge hub v1 report identifying pilot results from two essential components – the training resource catalogue and a learning platform – both used to support all EOSC training and skills-building activities.LIFEWATCHWebsites, patents filing, etc.Public




D9.3EOSC Training Programmes ResultsReport on the availability and usage of the resources from the EOSC training programmes and in the EOSC training catalogue.CESSDAReportPublic



D9.3: EOSC-Future-WP9-CESSDA-D9.3-EOSC Training Programmes Results-2023-10-18.pdf



D10.1EOSC Future Stakeholder Engagement & Communication Strategy & PlanEUDAT and GEANT will deliver a report covering the main stakeholder engagement and communication objectives, priorities and activities and the specific monitoring mechanisms put in place to ensure a successful project. Main target EOSC Future primary stakeholders.EUDATReportPublic




D10.2EOSC Future Stakeholder Engagement & Communication Final ReportEUDAT and RDA will deliver a report covering the results and lessons learnt from the Stakeholder engagement and communication activities performed by the project.EUDATReportPublic


D10.2: to be revised and resubmitted
D10.3a/bCampaigns Interim & Final Impact Report and RecommendationsReport detailing the action taken in the campaigns organised between M1- M15/M16-30 and their quantitative impacts. A first draft of the deliverable will be prepared in M15 and included in the periodic reporting.ARCTIKReportConfidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)



D10.3a: not provided due to confidentiality




D10.3b: not provided due to confidentiality


D10.4Science Dissemination Impact ReportsThe document will include a series of EOSC in Practice reports highlighting the impact of multidisciplinary approaches within the EOSC perimeter, with a specific focus on the usage of services hosted on the EOSC-Portal.TRUST-ITReportPublic


D10.4: to be revised and resubmitted


D11.1POPD - Requirement No. 1•  The host institution must confirm that it has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and the contact details of the DPO are made available to all data subjects involved in the research. For host institutions not required to appoint a DPO under the GDPR a detailed data protection policy for the project must be kept on file.
•   If applicable, justification for the processing of sensitive personal data must be included in the grant agreement before signature.
•    The beneficiary must explain how all of the data they intend to process is relevant and limited to the purposes of the research project (in accordance with the ‘data minimisation ‘principle). This must be submitted as a deliverable.
•    A description of the technical and organisational measures that will be implemented to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjects/research participants must be submitted as a deliverable.
•    A description of the security measures that will be implemented to prevent unauthorised access to personal data or the equipment used for processing must be submitted as a deliverable.
• Description of the anonymysation/pseudonymisation techniques that will be implemented must be kept on file.
•   In case personal data are transferred from the EU to a non-EU country or international organisation, confirmation that such transfers are in accordance with Chapter V of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, must be specified in the grant agreement).
• In case personal data are transferred from a non-EU country to the EU (or another third state), confirmation that such transfers comply with the laws of the country in which the data was collected must be specified in the grant agreement.
• Detailed information on the informed consent procedures in regard to data processing must be kept on file.
• Templates of the informed consent forms and information sheets (in language and terms intelligible to the participants) must be kept on file.
• Since the research involves profiling, the beneficiary must provide explanation how the data subjects will be informed of the existence of the profiling, its possible consequences and how their fundamental rights will be safeguarded. This must be submitted as a deliverable.

ATHENAEthicsConfidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)



D11.1:not provided due to confidentiality


D11.2OEI - Requirement No. 2 The necessary information for mechanisms/procedures, including an ethics review procedure, that will be followed regarding the control and supervision of the funded projects must be submitted as a deliverable.ATHENAEthicsConfidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)



D11.2: not provided due to confidentiality


D11.3H - Requirement No. 3• The procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants must be submitted as a deliverable.
• The informed consent procedures that will be implemented for the participation of humans must be kept on file.
• Templates of the informed consent/assent forms and information sheets (in language and terms intelligible to the participants) must be kept on file.
ATHENAEthicsConfidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)



D11.3: not provided due to confidentiality


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