Welcome to the EOSC Future wiki!

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that this Wiki space is no longer actively maintained. The information in it applies to the discontinued EOSC Marketplace and Provider Portal, which have been replaced by the EOSC EU Node.
Information related to the EOSC EU Node is available via the official page <here>

The current form includes 5 distinct Phases implemented in various Stages. As soon as each phase is concluded (approved or rejected), the user is notified to proceed accordingly. 

The following sections provide further details of the actions that take place in each of the workflow Stages.

Phases for the EOSC Portal Onboarding Process for Single Providers 

  • Phase 1: An Authorised Representative of a Provider (ARP) registers into the EOSC Portal.
  • Phase 2: The Authorised and Authenticated Representative of a Provider (AARP) onboards the Provider (organisation).
  • Phase 3: The AARP onboards the Resources offered by the Provider.
  • Phase 4: The AARP onboards the Options/Offerings of a Resource offered by the Provider.
  • Phase 5: The AARP and the EPOT maintain the quality of the Profiles.

Stages of the Onboarding Process for Single Providers

  • Stage 1: The Representative of the Provider (RP) visits the EOSC Portal.
  • Stage 2: The RP registers with the EOSC Portal using an existing identity from a supported Social or Academic AAI mechanism.
  • Stage 3: The Authenticated Representative of the Provider (ARP) logs into the EOSC Portal.
  • Stage 4: The ARP asserts he/she is an Authorized Representative of a Provider.
  • Stage 5: The Authenticated and Authorized Representative of a Provider (AARP) apply to onboard the Provider.
  • Stage 6: The EOSC Portal Onboarding Team (EPOT) reviews the newly onboarded Provider.
  • Stage 7: The AARP gets access to the Portal Dashboard.
  • Stage 8: The AARP selects the method to onboard Resources.
  • Stage 9a: The AARP applies to onboard a Resource via the Web Interface or Stage 9b: The AARP applies to onboard a Resource via the API.
  • Stage 10: The EPOT reviews the newly onboarded Resources.
  • Stage 11: The AARP can review the Resource at the Portal Dashboard and can apply to onboard other Resources via the API or Web Interface.
  • Stage 12: The AARP applies to onboard Resource Options/Offerings.
  • Stage 13: The EOSC Portal Onboarding or Ordering Team reviews the onboarded Resource Options/Offerings.
  • Stage 14: The EPOT creates a Review and Feedback Report
  • Stage 15: Upon Request of Providers the EPOT can provide best practices, feedback, and consultation to Providers.​
  • Stage 16: Profiles on the EOSC Portal are updated by Providers and periodically audited by the EPOT.

Flow Diagram of the Onboarding Process for Single Providers 

Detailed Description of the Onboarding Process Stages for Single Providers


The Representative of a Provider or a Thematic/Regional Portal is ready to start the onboarding process. If Representative of a Provider she/he goes to stage Α1. If Representative of a Thematic/Regional Portal, please refer to section EOSC Portal Onboarding Process for Multi-Provider Regional and Thematic Portals (MPRTP) v4.0, below. 

Phase 1: Provider Representative Onboarding
Α1The Representative of the Provider visits the Portal.

A Representative of the Provider (RP) [1] visits the “For Providers” Section of the EOSC Portal [2] and clicks on "Become a provider! Apply now" [3] to start the process of applying to become a Provider.


[1] Αssumed to be authorized to act on behalf of the Provider at this stage.

[2] https://providers.eosc-portal.eu/becomeAProvider

[3] https://providers.eosc-portal.eu/provider/add


The Provider's Representative registers with the Portal using an existing identity from a supported Social or Academic AAI mechanism.

The RP uses the Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) mechanisms supported by the Portal [4] to register with the Portal. 

In case any difficulties arise during the Authentication, the Representative may communicate issues [5] and depending on the issue, the AAI Team may organise a 1-to-1 call to offer guidance.


[4] Currently supported AAI mechanisms: eduTeams, EGI CheckIn, OpenAIRE, EUDAT, B2ACCESS, Aria, Dariah, IGTF, OpenMINTED, ORCID, etc. and AAI mechanisms of many Academic and Research Institutions worldwide. If a Provider representative cannot authenticate via one of the provided Academic AAI proxies, the representative can authenticate via a Google identity account.

[5] https://www.eosc-portal.eu/helpdesk or use the feedback ribbon.


The Authenticated Representative of the Provider logs into the Portal 

The Authenticated Representative of the Provider (ARP) logins via the AAI of the Portal. Once logged in, the menu allows access to the "Add New Provider" functionality.

A4The Authenticated Representative of the Provider asserts he/she is an Authorized Representative of a Provider.  

By clicking on "Add New Provider", the ARP is asked a) to agree to the EOSC Portal Privacy Policy [6] and b) to assert the Authorisation of Representation of the Provider Organisation. 

Once a and b are accepted, and the latter asserted, the Authenticated and Authorized Representative of the Provider (AARP) can apply to onboard the Provider.


[6] https://eosc-portal.eu/privacy-policy-summary

Phase 2: Provider (Organisation) Onboarding


The Authenticated and Authorized Representative of a Provider apply to onboard the Provider. 

Now the AARP may apply for the onboarding of the Provider by completing the Provider Profile [7]. 

Automated mechanisms are used to the greatest extent possible to ensure that all required information is included and that the information is of the correct type, size, etc. 

If any difficulties arise during the application, the AARP may communicate issues [8]. Depending on the issue, the EOSC Portal Onboarding Team (EPOT) may organize a 1-to-1 call to offer guidance. 

Upon successful submission: a) the AARP and the onboarding team are notified, and b) an onboarding ticket is opened.

The EPOT reviews the ticket from the Provider and updates it with any additional information deemed necessary.


[7] The Profile is available to download and preview in various formats at https://eosc-portal.eu/providers-documentation/eosc-provider-portal-provider-profile

[8] at onboarding@eosc-portal.eu or using the feedback ribbon.


The Portal Onboarding Team reviews the newly onboarded Provider

The EPOT reviews the Provider description by checking the minimum requirements of the Portal and the rules and criteria based on the current RoP and the typology of the Provider Profile (mandatory fields, lengths, types, etc.) and provides recommendations (if any) for improvement on the Validation Tool. 

If the Provider Profile description does not comply with the minimum requirements, rules and criteria or the typology of the Provider Profile, the AARP is contacted by email to act on the recommendations and resubmit the Provider description. The ticket is updated, and the Validation Tool with the recommendations is attached.

At this stage, the AARP can benefit from the tutorial materials available on the Portal. In the case of specific needs or issues, personalized consultation may be offered. 

If the Provider updates via the Portal the Provider description, it is reassessed following the same steps.

The Provider may be rejected at this step as not within the allowed range of organizations expected to act as Providers. Otherwise, the AARP is notified of the approval. Approval or rejection notifications are sent automatically by the Portal. The onboarding team updates the status of the onboarding ticket.

A7The Authenticated and Authorized Representatives of the Provider get access to the Portal Dashboard. 

Once the Provider is approved, the Provider is visible publicly, can use the Providers' Dashboard [9] and can be added as a (co-) Provider on Resources, etc.

Providers are required to maintain and update their descriptions at least once per year via the Dashboard.


[9] https://providers.eosc-portal.eu/dashboard/

Phase 3: Resource Onboarding
A8The Authenticated and Authorized Representative of the Provider select the method to onboard the Resources.

The AARP logins (if not already logged in) to the Portal and may proceed with the onboarding of Resources. 

The AARP is offered two options to onboard Resources: a) via a web interface for each Resource individually or b) via the Portal Application Programming Interface (API).
If the web interface is selected, then Stage A9a follows; otherwise, Stage A9b.


The authorized and authenticated Representative of a Provider applies to onboard a Resource via the web interface.

The AARP may apply for the onboarding of a Resource by completing the Resource Profile [10].

Automated mechanisms are used to the greatest extent possible to ensure that all required information is included and that the information is of the correct type, size, etc. 

In case any difficulties arise during the application, the AARP may communicate issues [11], and depending on the issue, the onboarding team may organise a 1-to-1 call to offer guidance.

Otherwise, if the Profile is completed and passes all checks, it can be submitted.

When the Profile is submitted, the AARP is queried if additional Resources will be onboarded. If yes, then step A9 is repeated; otherwise, the process moves to step A10.


[10] The Profile s available to download and preview in various formats at https://eosc-portal.eu/providers-documentation/eosc-provider-portal-resource-profile

[11] at onboarding@eosc-portal.eu or using the feedback ribbon.

A9bThe authorized and authenticated Representative of a Provider applies to onboard a Resource via the API

The AARP may apply for the onboarding of Resources by using the Portal Open API. 

In brief, the Provider needs to use the AAI of the Portal to retrieve a new API token. Then, the Provider prepares the Resource description according to the Resource Profile by calling the API’s POST/Resource/validate method. Upon successful validation, the Provider calls the POST/Resource method to add the new Resources in the catalogue. Upon success, the Provider receives a new set of Resource IDs, and the new Resources are onboarded in the Portal. A detailed description of the Portal Open API [12] is available. 

In case any difficulties arise during the employment of the API, the AARP may communicate issues [13]. Depending on the issue, the onboarding team may organize a 1-to-1 call to offer guidance.


[12] https://providers.eosc-portal.eu/openapi

[13] onboarding@eosc-portal.eu or using the feedback ribbon.


The Portal Onboarding Team reviews the newly onboarded Resources 

For the each Resource to be onboarded by a Provider, the EPOT examines whether the Resource has been already onboarded by any other Providers and tries to resolve the issue.

The EPOT examines the quality of the metadata, if they follow the general recommendations and guidance of the Resource Profile, spelling, accuracy, composition and URLs.

If the Resource description does not comply with the minimum requirements of the Portal and the rules and criteria based on the current RoP and the typology of the Resource Profile, the AARP may be asked to take action (e.g. amend the description and resubmit, etc.) or join an information/training session. In this, often 1-to-1 call, the AARP will have the chance to ask questions and get personalized consultation on the best way to onboard the Resources. 

To facilitate the amendment, the EPOT provides recommendations taking into account potential Provider's peculiarities, reviews the Provider’s website, its catalogue and provided URLs and proposes alternatives for the description of the Resource’s metadata, and provides best practice examples from other Providers. 

The Resource may also be rejected, if the Provider fails to update the Resource accordingly. The Provider receives a notification of the definitive Resource Onboarding rejection and possibly Provider suspension. 

The EPOT may also perform small corrections on the Resource descriptions and ask for the Provider's consent before publishing.


The Authorized and Authenticated Representative of a Provider can review the Resource at the Portal Dashboard and can apply to onboard other Resources via the API or web interface.

Once the Resource is approved, it is visible publicly, and the AARP can use the Providers' Dashboard to maintain and review the descriptions at least once per year by either using the pencil button or clicking on the name of the Resource. 

The Dashboard also offers statistics for Resources, and a reach set of additional functionalities that are constantly being enriched such as active Resources, pending to be approved Resources, messages, information/statistics regarding ordering etc.

On the Dashboard the AARP can now proceed to onboard other Resources via the web interface or the API.


Phase 4: Option/Offering Onboarding
A12The Authorized and Authenticated Representative of a Provider applies to onboard Resource Options/Offerings.

The AARP may apply for onboarding a Resource Option/Offering by completing the Option/Offering Profile currently at the EOSC Portal User Component. This is available to orderable resources only.

Currently, the SOMBO Order Management System is integrated and used to handle the orders. The registered Providers may select to use their own Order Management System for integration or use SOMBO to receive information about submitted orders.

Orders for resources are placed in the EOSC Portal User Component, which then needsto be passed on to Providers' systems for handling, and to SOMBO for user support.

A13The Portal Onboarding Team reviews the onboarded Resource Options/Offerings.

All newly onboarded Resource Option/Offering and their representation in EOSC Portal User Component are reviewed by the EPOT. 

Phase 5: Maintenance and Quality Assurance
A14The Portal Onboarding Team creates a Review and Feedback Report

After the first Onboarding round and then periodically a Review and Feedback Report that assesses the Provider and Resources descriptions is produced by the EPOT.

The Review and Feedback Report is based on 106 attributes assessed in a quantity and quality-based manner and provides general recommendations to improve their Profiles.

A15Upon Request of Providers, the EOSC Portal Onboarding Team can provide best practices, feedback, and consultation to Providers

Upon request by any Provider the EPOT may provide practices for the Providers to enhance and improve their Profiles. Feedback can be provided with an additional Report.​


Profiles on the EOSC Portal are updated by Providers and periodically audited by the EOSC Onboarding Team

Periodically the EPOT audits the catalogue records, and Providers may be requested to update their Profiles within an agreed and stated timeframe; otherwise, the Provider and/or Resource may be suspended until updated. 

Also due to a updates in Profile specifications or functionality (new RoP, new Profiles, new features, etc.) Providers are requested to review their Provider and Resource descriptions to ensure they still meet the new rules and criteria and all required information.

Possible changes are highlighted to the Providers. Providers must update their services within an agreed and stated timeframe; otherwise, the service may be suspended until updated. 

In case the Provider is suspended: the Provider cannot submit new resources, existing Resources are suspended while in this state but reactivated if the Provider is re-approved, the Provider can edit records for the Provider and already onboarded Resources, but they are not published. Where a Provider is a Provider Organisation for a Resource from another Resource organisation, they are greyed out. 

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