Welcome to the EOSC Future wiki!

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that this Wiki space is no longer actively maintained. The information in it applies to the discontinued EOSC Marketplace and Provider Portal, which have been replaced by the EOSC EU Node.
Information related to the EOSC EU Node is available via the official page <here>

We are collecting additional science cases to make sure we have all relevant information to evolve the EOSC Architecture  - if you are interesting in making sure your use-cases are included, please provide your inputs in the google doc.

Scientific use-cases collected in the D3.1

Science case(s) description from the users perspective 

Requirements for PaNOSC/ExPaNDS

Requirements for EOSC Architecture

Researchers using analytical facilities to examine their samples are often using several facilities to probe their samples with different tools and methods. This is why:

  • A researcher from PaNOSC/ExPaNDS needs to seamlessly use compute and/or storage resources provided by the e-Infrastructures or other providers to analyse data from the PaNOSC Research Infrastructures using the PaNOSC (UmbrellaID) identity and without having to re-register across infrastructures.
  • Users need to freely access, share, transfer  and analyse large datasets of different types and sources. They also need to reuse and combine data for different research questions, generating new services that meet community standards.

PaNOSC/ExPaNDS needs to offer:

  • remote and authorised access to analytical facilities
  • Downloadable metadata & raw data
  • Software to browse, (pre)-visualise and analyse raw data
  • long term open data archives 
  • integrate services into EOSC for other science projects to use them and collect feedback. 

EOSC needs to:

  • operate a reliable Federated AAI Interoperability Layer that allows for seamless integration of the PaNOSC/ExPaNDS AAI and supports the access to services and resources across Research Infrastructures . 
  • offer a federated search capability for scientific data across a wide variety of domains.
  • offer a data transfer service for large data sets.
  • offer data storage and compute facilities.    

Table 1: PaNOSC/ExPaNDS science project requirements 

Science case(s) description from the users perspective 

Requirements for EOSC-Life

Requirements for EOSC Architecture

  • Researchers  working on different European or national research projects need to discover publications, find statistical data and data objects generated by different studies and access them in a privacy preserving manner. They need to have access to compute resources to analyse the data. When authentication to EOSC-Life is needed,  it should be a user-friendly process.
  • In addition, researchers need a set of tools to increase  the FAIRness, that is to ensure that more data generated in life-science research is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable 

EOSC-Life needs to enable European scientists to access advanced data resources and services in regulatory compliance with ethical and legal requirements. This requires from EOSC-Life: 

  • User management and access services through a Life Science Login.
  • Tools to increase FAIRness of data.
  • Framework for open science policies. 
  • Open collaborative model to bring existing national cloud infrastructure together.

EOSC needs to::

  • provide core components  (i.e. Federated AAI interoperability, cloud/ storage resources ) that can be readily incorporated into the many national, regional and locally funded services within the life science ecosystem.  
  • enable disciplines to provide rich discipline specific metadata description. 
  • offer data storage and compute facilities.    
  • federate distributed life science data resources and services  using the FAIR principles.

Table 2: EOSC-Life science project requirements

Science case(s) description from the users perspective 

Requirements for ENVRI-FAIR 

Requirements for EOSC Architecture

  • A researcher is working to demonstrate the impact of climate change on the  biosphere.  A promising option is to investigate the rapid increase of non-Indigenous Invasive Species (NIS) in European ecosystems. Such research requires access to big datasets (from genomics to in-situ and satellite borne environmental data) and high computational power, especially for those models with iterative algorithms.
  • A researcher is investigating whether the relationship between earthquake swarms (increasing frequency locally) and volcanic eruptions indicate an imminent eruption of a volcano.  If so, can the extent of the lava flows, ejected material clouds and possible pyroclastic flows (such as engulfed Pompei) be predicted? Given the above, what is the size of the threatened population, where are they located, what measures are available for evacuation by road, air, rail, sea? Are fire services adequate? Is water supply adequate? This requires access to SSHOC and (EOSC-Life/Excelerate/Elixir) and public health - it will be necessary to know of persons at health risk (e.g., asthmatics).
  • A similar scenario would be an Icelandic eruption and effects on air travel; requires analysis of effect of particles (and particle size) on blades of jet engine….
  • This goes well beyond downloading a dataset. The requirement is for assisted workflow composition/orchestration using heterogeneous assets described (catalog metadata) homogeneously within a homogeneous governance / AAAI.

ENVRI-FAIR  should:

  • enable access to historical data in the ENVRI FAIR clusters as well as to other environmental domains and social science domains (SSHOC).  
  • offer  repositories and High-Throughput  Computing (HTC)/High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources and data management services.
  • connect the analytical framework and federate access to relevant data infrastructures at the EOSC portal to mobilize and empower a larger community of researchers and potential data providers.
  • improve the FAIRness of the data gathered by the ENVRI-FAIR cluster.
  • offer data and research services all within an ecosystem of single sign on, consistent governance/access permissions, licensing allowing composition/orchestration of workflows at any RI node utilising assets at that RI and others.

EOSC should:

  • provide generic infrastructure services such as for Federated AAI, PID, and provenance, for tailoring to specific Research Infrastructure needs and adoption by individual research infrastructures.
  • enable access to shared resources such as repositories, HPC, HTC and data management tools.
  • provide standard APIs to support remote data discovery, access, and sharing.

Table 3: ENVRI-FAIR science project requirements

Science case description from the users perspective 

Requirements for ESCAPE 

Requirements for EOSC Architecture

  • Researchers in ESCAPE are carrying out experiments for dark matter research. He/she needs to ​​connect results and potential discoveries from different experiments; this requires the engagement of all scientific communities involved - astrophysics, particle physics and nuclear physics. The researcher needs to collect all the digital objects related to those analyses (data, metadata and software) on a broad platform , to enable open sharing and analysis of the various data sets.
  • Researchers studying extreme phenomena in the Universe in ESCAPE RI’s would like to build a sustainable platform for Multi-Messenger Astronomy (MMA) that allows combined analysis of astronomical instruments observing the same phenomena with different probes, for example a gravitational wave event triggering follow-up observations with different telescopes, over time periods from seconds to days and months.

ESCAPE needs to:

  • ensure that the ESCAPE AAI is connected to the EOSC AAI.
  • provide federated storage services to ensure that all of the data sets required are openly accessible to all participants.
  • offer a data transfer service for moving data around.
  • provide federated storage and computing services, some of which provided through EOSC provisioning, and integrated with ESCAPE Data Lake. 
  • enable access to other  HPC and other compute resources provided by  other research infrastructures and projects (i.e. Fenix RI, EOSC-Future).
  • provide access to a virtual research environment for large scale data analysis, based on a notebook service, with access to a scalable computing back-end, to process data on the federated data service.

EOSC should:

  • provide a Federated AAI that provides an interoperability layer across research community AAIs and with the EOSC Core Services. 
  • Access to shared resources such as repositories, HPC, HTC and data management tools.
  • federate existing resources across national data centres, e-infrastructures to access and reuse data produced by the ESFRI projects in astronomy and particle/nuclear physics.
  • offer a federated digital repository for data preservation.
  • include  an open source repository of analysis, computing and storage services. 

Table 4: ESCAPE science project requirements

Science cases description from the users perspective 

Requirements for SSHOC

Requirements for EOSC Architecture

A researcher wanting to access data or instruments found in a data catalogue, either local, domain-specific or EOSC-wide, wants to have a single point of access and a unified application process to apply for this access. A common platform with defined interfaces and standards is required to facilitate domain independent application processes.

SSHOC should:

  • work with other clusters, in this case ENVRI-FAIR and EOSC-LIFE to align various metadata standards and controlled vocabularies (DDI-CDI as node).
  • ensure AAI interoperability.
  • define extended AAI user profile to include user specific training and certification 
  • define processes and standards for researchers to apply for access to restricted data and instruments.
  • integrate catalogue and data services 
  • develop automatic harvesting, transformation, merging and processing.
  • enable easy access to research results for other collaborations.

EOSC should provide:

  • a Federated AAI that enables the research communities AAIs to interoperate and supports researcher qualification profiles.
  • environments for storage, sharing, accessing and using data, coupled to compute resources for the (re)analysis of data.
  • a definition of a common standard/controlled vocabularies of access restrictions.
  • allow access to restricted datasets in a common EOSC storage solution. 
  • a definition and adoption of common open standards for interoperability. 
  • a marketplace ecosystem for services and data available to all researchers. 

Table 5: SSHOC science project requirements 

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