Versions Compared


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Basic Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.BAI.0IDA persistent identifier, a unique reference to the Resource.ResourceID1Mandatory
ERP.BAI.1NameBrief and descriptive name of the Resource as assigned by the Provider.String (100)1MandatoryYes
ERP.BAI.2AbbreviationAbbreviation of the Resource Name.String (30)1MandatoryYes
ERP.BAI.3Resource OrganisationThe name of the organisation that manages or delivers the resource, or that coordinates the Resource delivery in a federated scenario.ProviderID


Resource ProvidersThe name(s) of (all) the Provider(s) that manage or deliver the Resource in federated scenarios.ProviderIDMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.BAI.5WebpageWebpage with information about the Resource usually hosted and maintained by the Provider.URL1MandatoryYes

Marketing Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.MRI.1DescriptionA high-level description in fairly non-technical terms of a) what the Resource does, functionality it provides and Resources it enables to access, b) the benefit to a user/customer delivered by a Resource; benefits are usually related to alleviating pains (e.g., eliminate undesired outcomes, obstacles or risks) or producing gains (e.g. increased performance, social gains, positive emotions or cost saving), c) list of customers, communities, users, etc. using the Resource.String (1000)1MandatoryYes
ERP.MRI.2TaglineShort catchphrase for marketing and advertising purposes. It will be usually displayed close to the Resource name and should refer to the main value or purpose of the Resource.String (100)1MandatoryYes
ERP.MRI.3LogoLink to the logo/visual identity of the Resource. The logo will be visible at the Portal. If there is no specific logo for the Resource the logo of the Provider may be used.URL1MandatoryYes
ERP.MRI.4Multimedia URL
Link to video, screenshots or slides showing details of the Resource.URLMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.MRI.5Multimedia NameShort description of the Multimedia content.String (100)MultipleOptionalYes
Link to use cases supported by this Resource.URLMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.MRI.7Use Case NameShort description of the Use Case content.String (100)MultipleOptionalYes

Classification Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.CLI.1Scientific DomainThe branch of science, scientific discipline that is related to the Resource.

Enumerated (Resource Scientific Domain)

ERP.CLI.2Scientific SubdomainThe subbranch of science, scientific subdiscipline that is related to the Resource.

Enumerated (Resource Scientific Domain)

ERP.CLI.3CategoryA named group of Resources that offer access to the same type of Resources.Enumerated (Resource Category)MultipleMandatoryYes
ERP.CLI.4SubcategoryA named group of Resources that offer access to the same type of Resources, within the defined Resource category.Enumerated (Resource Category)MultipleMandatoryYes
ERP.CLI.5Target UsersType of users that commissions a Provider to deliver a Resource.Enumerated (Resource Target Users)MultipleMandatoryYes
ERP.CLI.6Access TypeThe way a user can access the Resource (Remote, Physical, Virtual, etc.).Enumerated (Resource Access Type)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.CLI.7Access ModeEligibility/criteria for granting access to the Resource to users (excellence-based, free-conditionally, free etc.).Enumerated (Resource Access Mode)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.CLI.8TagsKeywords associated to the Resource to simplify search by relevant keywords.String(max 50)MultipleOptionalYes

Geographical and Language Availability Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.GLA.1Geographical AvailabilityLocations where the Resource is offered.Enumerated (Resource Geographical Availability)MultipleMandatoryYes
ERP.GLA.2Language Availability
Languages of the (user interface of the) Resource.

Enumerated (Resource Language Availability)


Resource Location Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.RLI.01Resource Geographic LocationList of geographic locations where data, samples, etc. are stored and processed.

Enumerated (Resource Geographic Location)


Contact Information

Main Contact/Resource Owner

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.COI.1First NameFirst Name of the Resource's main contact person/Resource manager.String (max 20)1MandatoryNo
ERP.COI.2Last NameLast Name of the Resource's main contact person/Resource manager.String (max 20)1MandatoryNo
ERP.COI.3EmailEmail of the Resource's main contact person/Resource manager.Email1MandatoryNo
ERP.COI.4PhoneTelephone of the Resource's main contact person/Resource manager.String (max 20)1OptionalNo
ERP.COI.5PositionPosition of the Resource's main contact person/Resource manager.String (max 20)1OptionalNo
ERP.COI.6OrganisationThe organisation to which the Resource's main contact person/Resource manager is affiliated.String (max 50)1OptionalNo

Public Contact

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.COI.7First NameFirst Name of the Resource's contact person to be displayed publicly at the Portal.String (max 20)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.COI.8Last NameLast Name of the Resource's contact person to be displayed publicly at the Portal.String (max 20)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.COI.9EmailEmail of the Resource's contact person or a generic email of the Provider to be displayed publicly at the portal.EmailMultipleMandatoryYes
ERP.COI.10PhoneTelephone of the Resource's contact person to be displayed publicly at the Portal.String (max 20)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.COI.11PositionPosition of the Resource's contact person to be displayed publicly at the Portal.String (max 20)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.COI.12OrganisationThe organisation to which the Resource's public contact person is affiliated.String (max 50)MultipleOptionalYes
Other Contacts
CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.COI.13Helpdesk Email
The email to ask more information from the Provider about this Resource.Email1MandatoryYes
ERP.COI.14Security Contact EmailThe email to contact the Provider for critical security issues about this Resource.Email1MandatoryNo

Maturity Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.MTI.1Technology Readiness LevelThe Technology Readiness Level of the Resource.Enumerated (Resource TRL)1MandatoryYes
ERP.MTI.2Life Cycle Status
Status of the Resource life-cycle.

Enumerated (Resource Life Cycle Status)

ERP.MTI.3CertificationsList of certifications obtained for the Resource (including the certification body or URL if available)String (max 100)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.MTI.4StandardsList of standards supported by the Resource.String (max 100)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.MTI.5Open Source TechnologiesList of open source technologies supported by the Resource.String (max 100)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.MTI.6VersionVersion of the Resource that is in force.String (max 10)1OptionalYes
ERP.MTI.7Last UpdateDate of the latest update of the Resource.


ERP.MTI.8Change LogSummary of the Resource features updated from the previous version.String (max 1000)MultipleOptionalYes

Dependencies Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.DEI.1Required ResourcesList of other Resources required to use this Resource.ResourceIDMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.DEI.2Related ResourcesList of other Resources that are commonly used with this Resource.ResourceIDMultipleOptionalYes
ERP.DEI.3Related PlatformsList of suites or thematic platforms in which the Resource is engaged or Providers (Provider groups) contributing to this Resource.

Enumerated (Related Platforms)



CatalogueThe ID of the Catalogue this Resource is originally registered at.CatalogueID1OptionalYes

Attribution Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.ATI.1Funding BodyName of the funding body that supported the development and/or operation of the Resource.Enumerated (Resource Funding Body)MultipleOptionalYes
ERP.ATI.2Funding ProgramName of the funding program that supported the development and/or operation of the Resource.

Enumerated (Resource Funding Program)

ERP.ATI.3Grant/Project NameName of the project that supported the development and/or operation of the Resource.String (max 100)MultipleOptionalYes

Management Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.MGI.1Helpdesk Page
The URL to a webpage to ask more information from the Provider about this Resource.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.2User ManualLink to the Resource user manual and documentation.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.3Terms Of UseWebpage describing the rules, Resource conditions and usage policy which one must agree to abide by in order to use the Resource.URL1Currently Optional, to become Mandatory from 31/03/2023 forwardYes
ERP.MGI.4Privacy PolicyLink to the privacy policy applicable to the Resource.URL1Currently Optional, to become Mandatory from 31/03/2023 forwardYes
ERP.MGI.5Access Policy
Information about the access policies that apply.URL1OptionalYes

Resource Level

Webpage with the information about the levels of performance that a Provider is expected to deliver.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.7Training InformationWebpage to training information on the Resource.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.8Status MonitoringWebpage with monitoring information about the Resource.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.MGI.9MaintenanceWebpage with information about planned maintenance windows for the Resource.URL1OptionalYes

Access and Order Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.AOI.1Order TypeInformation on the ordering process type.

Enumerated (Resource Order Type)

ERP.AOI.2OrderWebpage through which an order for the Resource can be placed.URL1OptionalYes

Financial Information

CodeAttribute NameDefinitionTypeMultiplicityRequiredPublic
ERP.FNI.1Payment ModelWebpage with the supported payment models and restrictions that apply to the Resource.URL1OptionalYes
ERP.FNI.2PricingWebpage with the information on the price scheme for the Resource in case the customer is charged for.URL1OptionalYes
